Saturday, January 25, 2020

Nisarg 2

Today she is about to turn 4 month.

I started communicating with my daughter.
When I make sound "hoo...". She also responds with same sound  "hoo..." . actually I'm making this sound because she often makes this sound.

Interesting observation that in order to respond, she shakes her entire body. Next time she again shakes her body but the sound doesn't come out. She must have missed some thing, She makes more attempt till she succeeded. Some time she did not open her mouth and some sound comes out.
I think she try to understand that what part of her body needs to move to make the sound. For us it is obvious that only mouth, throat and air involve in this. She would figure this out much much later.

Remembering previous steps and responding needs thinking.
This indicates that thoughts comes first than language.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Today (10 Jan 2020) she turn 3 months 14 days.
She started observing us and around just after she turn 3 month. before that her eye were not stable. yesterday when she was looking me and I was making random sound and singing. she was looking very fascinatingly as if she is surprised and trying to understand how the sound coming out. she did make attempts one sound also came out EHH.
I was wondering every single child would make such attempts for around 2 years at least. each time she was unsuccessful, but never give up. salute to her 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Friday, September 23, 2011

1/10 to the power n part of Pari’s language learning

Pari is now 5.3 year old

One night, after I finished a story to Pari, I started working on my laptop assuming that she slept.
Suddenly she sat up and asked me “Papa, how to write ‘ka’? I wrote on a paper for her she religiously wrote it 4 times and slept again.

I am against of the alphabet method to teach language. I will never let anyone attempt to teach my daughter using this method. But this incident let me feel that method is not central but the child interest to learn is on our purpose.

The children find their own way to learn things. She must have found that the alphabets are important to read and write. Or at least she has some tentative picture of this alphabet in her mind and she wanted to master on this.

I feel we must keep the alphabets chart around in the school. Also the particular sequence is also useful to find the meaning & use in dictionary, in fact to find in any reference.

Pramod Maithil

Monday, October 25, 2010

Prakriti's trial (experiment)

Prakriti's trial (experiment) (I dont know she must be doing so many a time but I noticed first)

now my daughter is around 5 years.

just few days back, she was playing with namita's mobile and taking pictures of various things. she discovered that keeping the mobile closure to the object gives larger photo . she came to me and try taking picture of my palm. since the mobile was very close and it was blocking the light to fall on the palm. she tried to turn my hand but could not succeed. she left
then I saw her doing the trial experiment she went in front of bulb and put her hand just in front of the bulb and then keep the mobile closer to her palm. she did not succeed. then she left it and involve in some thing else.

I was happy that she has designed an experiment to natural phenomenon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rural-urban migration‏

I am thinking critically on the issue of Rural-urban migration‏ and disagree with the traditional way to look at it that there is no opportunity to work & education in village.
I would respond something like this
1. Yes there is no formal education in village which gives mobility but there is lot more unrecognized (by so called literate society) learning's happening in village as much I know in Indian context entire socialization of a human does not happen in school the home and the society has the first position in this education. a village youth know much more about nature and harvesting than any urban youth. S/he has batter understanding about the relation with cultivation, weather and local religious and social festivals.
2. People are migrating to city as they don't find the cultivation is recognize as reputed job by the so called literate society.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some observations of language of my daughter

Prakriti is now 3¾ years old. She can speak well in Hindi but still, yesterday she just said to me – GAPUGI TEPANA.
I asked to clarify – What?
She repeated the same; I realized that these were meaningless word. So in response of that I also said some meaningless word – TEPULI JHEPULI.
Then she reiterated the same words but this time she added a word “teddy bear” and pointed to the teddy bear. As if she wanted me to give it to her.
Now I thought she wanted to develop anew language as she has been hearing other then Hindi which she makes at time meaning of only fewer words.
I also spoke in the same way and said to her ‘TEPULI JHEPULI the teddy bear” and pointed to the teddy bear.
She now said – Yes.
I just gave it to her. She took it and start playing.

Long back when she was of 3 year old. Once she called me out. She was holding a ball in her hand. She asked me to go little far away and said to me (in Hindi)– “Papa, Main Gend Fekungi Tum Katchana”(I will throw the ball you catch)
I said okay and played with her. But I was stunt by the term “Katchana” . I know she can never hear this term. It was largely Hindi atmosphere at my house she only hear English in audio visual media around. That to very minimal as I do not have TV at home.
So Let me think what she might have been doing to be able to speak this term
She might have heard the verb catch and by various context she has understood the meaning of it. Then she has also learn from n number of sentences that how and when to use the suffix in hindi verb “Na”, “Ta” etc and what does that mean when added.
I am sure nothing of this kind of grammar of language is taught throughout the word for any and a child of the age 3 (at least)learn by her own.

Pramod Maithil